How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet

How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet This article will explain to you How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet. Please refer to this article until it’s finished and make sure nothing has been missed step by step.

Free internet tricks sometimes require several methods to work properly. One of them is by using the V2Ray trick that supports the Cloudflare CDN Websocket (Reverse Proxy) which we will discuss this time.

How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet

If in the previous article we have shared about “How to Use SSH Over Websocket CDN“  and “How to Use Trojan-Go Over Websocket CDN” this time the method we will share is the same, the difference is that this time we are using V2Ray.

First, please download the V2Ray application first. You can use the V2Ray FastSSH VPN application which you can download via the Google Play Store. Or on the link below.


Create a free v2ray account

You need to know that the V2ray you are using must support Websocket (WS). You can make it for free on the site or on the site. Open the site then select the Weekly Servers menu.

How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet

Select V2Ray Server.

Enter your username and password then also enter the SNI for the free internet trick you are using. Check i’m not a robot last click create account.

See also  How to Create a Free V2Ray Account

The V2Ray support WS account has been successfully created and now you just copy it.

How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet

V2Ray account creation has been successful. Now we enter the next stage, namely the V2Ray application settings.

V2Ray FastSSH VPN Application Settings

Open the V2Ray FastSSH VPN application that you have installed above then select Import config from Clipboard.

Then edit the v2ray application pencil mark on the address fill with the SNI Host Bug as shown below:

How to Use V2Ray Websocket CDN For Free Internet is a bug free internet trick SNI host. You can change it according to the free internet trick available or you use it.

Then on the SNI form fill in the V2Ray server host used.

Save. And Tap to Connect.

In essence, this trick is alternating between SNI and Host Server. So the form used for Host Server is filled with SNI and the form for SNI is filled with Host Server.


This is a new method for free internet tricks. You can try it in your respective area. If you have followed the tutorial correctly, it is likely that your region or country does not support this method.

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