Table of Contents — SSH UDP can be used for certain internet tricks that require SSH UDP, please follow the steps for setting it up. Here’s a tutorial How to Setting SSH UDP Custom.
Create SSH UDP
The first thing you have to do, of course, is to create a UDP SSH account. You can make it on the site or the link details below.
Select the servers that you want to create. Enter your username and password as you would a regular SSH.
Successfully created UDP SSH account.
Download HTTP Cutom
To implement UDP SSH, you need an application called HTTPCustom.
How to Setting SSH UDP Custom
Open the CustomHTTP application that you downloaded, then enter the udp ssh host, port, username and password. Don’t forget to check the UDP Custom section of the application. Click CONNECT.
And For the port still use 1-65535
Click the LOG tab to see the results. If it is successful it will be like the following image.
To maximize UDP connections, you can set as shown below.
Select click UDP Tweak Settings.
Enter the number 30, or it could be more.