How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android

How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android You can use Xray WSS as an alternative to SSH WS CDN. For Android users, you can use the Xray WSS core. For more details and without further ado, see the tutorial How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android.

WSS is just an alternative/substitute for tricks or bugs that use or can be used with SSH. (How to Use SSH Websocket (WS) on Android)

Before continuing with this tutorial, please download the GatchaNG application first. This is a special application for WSS.

How to Use Xray WSS VMess

Create an account especially vless or vmess using the link below:



My example will use VMess


Copy Vmess Port 443 TLS/SSL.


Open GatchaNG WSS then click the + sign.

Klik Import config from Clipboard.

Vmess account has been successfully imported into the app. Next click the pencil icon to edit the account.

How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android

In the Address column, please fill in the BUG IP of the ws bug that you are using, in this example we use the bug with the ip

How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android

If you are confused about changing the host bug to IP or vice versa, check this tutorial:

How to Change Host Bug to IP and IP to Host

The result will be like the following image:

How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android

The description of the image above is:

  1. request host using the Vmess Server host according to the Vmess account you are using.
  2. in Path, add ws://bug to the front of the path, for example here ws:// then the result is ws://
  3. In the SNI form, fill in the bug
  4. Allow in scrure select True.
  5. Save.

Tap Connect:

Tutorial VMess WSS Done.

How to Use Xray WSS Trojan-Go

The method is almost the same as using VMess WSS above, first create a Trojan-Go account on the site or via the following link:

As an example I will create a Trojan-Go SG-HE MUX Trojan VPN server.

Enter the bug as usual and create an account.

copy the account in the column “Trojan GO (V2RayNG)”.

Open the GatchaNG application and then import the Trojan-go account. After the Trojan-GO account is imported, now click the pencil mark to edit the account.

First fill in the account name in Remarks. In the Address column, please fill in the BUG IP of the ws bug that you are using, in this example we use the bug with the ip

Next, scroll down to the GochaNG application and then:

  1. request host using the Trojan-go server host according to the trojan-go account you are using.
  2. in Path, add ws://bug to the front of the path, for example here ws:// then the result is ws://
  3. In the SNI form, fill in the bug
  4. Allow in scrure select True.
  5. Save.

An example can be seen in the image below:

Demikian tutorial lengkap How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android

The last thing you just have to do is connect.

Demikian tutorial lengkap How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android

Done. That’s the detailed tutorial How to Use Xray WSS (Vmess and Trojan-Go) on Android And Use an active Host Bug according to your country.

See also  How to Use Trojan-Go Over Websocket CDN For Free Internet

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